















2009.2-2010.9, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(USA),Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,访问学者





[1]     2004年徐芝纶杯全国基础力学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖

[2]     武汉理工大学第四届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,2007

[3]     胡曙光,钟珞,吕林女.《混凝土安全性专家系统》,专著,科学出版社,2007

[4]     钢管高强混凝土膨胀控制与制备技术及其在大跨度结构的应用,国家科技进步二等奖,2010,排名第3

[5]     高性能水泥基复合材料的研究及工程应用开发,国家科技进步二等奖,2001,排名第3

[6]     环保型功能集料设计与制备及其混凝土应用技术, 湖北省技术发明二等奖,2011,排名第3

[7]     严酷环境高铁相高抗蚀胶凝材料设计制备及其工程应用开发,中国建筑材料联合会,中国硅酸盐学会,建筑材料技术发明一等奖,2021,排名第8

[8]     Gao Deng, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Pore structure evolution and sulfate attack of high-volume slag blended mortars under standard curing and steam curing, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 363, 129878. SCI收录

[9]     Wenwen Ding, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Microstructure evolution mechanism of quaternary phase paste containing metakaolin and silica fume. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 842−853. SCI收录

[10]Gao Deng, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. A preliminary study on the efficiency of the steel slag-based spraying carbonation layer in improving the durability of cement-based products, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 136, 104899. SCI收录

[11]Xuefei Chen, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Effects of curing regimes on the chloride binding capacity of cementitious materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342, 127929. SCI收录

[12]Gao Deng, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Investigation of sulfate attack on aluminum phases in cement-metakaolin paste, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 56, 104720. SCI收录

[13]Meicheng Zhao, Linnu Lu*, Yong Tao, Yongjia He*, Fazhou Wang, Wenqin Zhang, Shuguang Hu. Adsorption behavior of carbonic acid on γ- dicalcium silicate surface from molecular simulations, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2022, 105, 1:564-576. SCI收录

[14]Gao Deng, Yongjia He,* Linnu Lu,* Fazhou Wang, and Shuguang Hu. Comparison between Fly Ash and Slag Slurry in Various Alkaline Environments: Dissolution, Migration, and Coordination State of Aluminum, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021,9(36):12109-12119. SCI收录

[15]Peiliang Shen, Linnu Lu*, Fazhou Wang*, Yongjia He, Shuguang Hu, Jianxin Lu, Haibing Zheng. Water desorption characteristics of saturated lightweight fine aggregate in ultra-high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 106: 103456, 1-13. SCI收录

[16]Peiliang Shen, Linnu Lu*, Yongjia He , Fazhou Wang*, Jianxin Lu, Haibing Zheng, Shuguang Hu. Investigation on expansion effect of the expansive agents in ultra-high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites,2020,105:103425,1-13. SCI收录

[17]Gao Deng, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Shuguang Hu. The effect of activators on the dissolution characteristics and occurrence state of aluminum of alkali-activated metakaolin. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 235: 17451,1-7. SCI收录

[18]Gao Deng, Yongjia He*, Linnu Lu*, Shuguang Hu. Evolution of aluminate hydrate phases in fly ash-cement system under the sulfate conditions, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 252: 119045, 1-11. SCI收录

[19]Peiliang Shen, Linnu Lu⁎, Yongjia He, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. The effect of curing regimes on the mechanical properties, nano-mechanical properties and microstructure of ultra-high performance concrete. Cement and Concrete Research,2019, 118: 1-13. SCI收录

[20]Linnu Lu,Yongjia He, Congyang Xiang, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Distribution of heavy metal elements in chromium (III), lead-doped cement pastes, Advances in Cement Research. 2018:1700114. SCI收录

[21]Peiliang Shen*, Linnu Lu*, Yongjia He, Meijuan Rao, Zedong Fu, Fazhou Wang,Shuguang Hu.Experimental investigation on the autogenous shrinkage of steam cured ultra-high performance concrete, Construction and Building Materials.2018,162:512-522. SCI收录

[22]Yongjia He, Linnu Lu, Keke Sun , Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu.Electromagnetic wave absorbing cement-based composite using Nano-Fe3O4magneticfluid as absorber, Cement and Concrete Composites.2018,92:1–6. SCI收录

[23]Yongjia He, Yaqing Cui, Linnu Lu, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu.Microwave Absorbing mortar using magnetic hollow fly ash microspheres/Fe3O4 composite as absorbent. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.2018, 30(6): 04018112. SCI收录

[24]Linnu Lu, Congyang Xiang, Yongjia He, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Early hydration of C3S in the presence of Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cr3+and the immobilization of heavy metals in paste, Construction and Building Materials 2017,152: 923–932. SCI收录

[25]Linnu Lu, Yongjia He, Bing Ping, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. TiO2 containing electromagnetic wave absorbing aggregate and its application in concrete, Construction and Building Materials 2017,134: 602–609. SCI收录、

[26]LU Linnu, HE Yongjia, HE Manqian, HU Shuguang.27Al MAS NMR studies on location of aluminum in substituted calcium silicate hydrate, 硅酸盐学报2017,45(8):1096-1100. EI收录

[27]Peiliang Shen*,Linnu Lu*,Wei Chen, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Efficiency of metakaolin in steam cured high strength concrete, Construction and Building Materials.2017,152:357-366. SCI收录

[28]Lu Linnu, Ping Bing, He Yongjia, He Liu, Wu Xi, Hu Shuguang. Effect of polymer on morphology and structure of calcium silicate hydrate prepared via precipitation method. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci.Ed. 2014:504-506.SCI收录

[29]Yongjia HeLinnu Lu*Leslie J. Struble, Jennifer L. Rapp, Paramita Mondal, Shuguang Hu. Effect of calcium–silicon ratio on microstructure and nanostructure of calcium silicate hydrate synthesized by reaction of fumed silica and calcium oxide at room temperature. Mater. Struct. 2014 47:311–322. SCI收录

[30]Peiliang Shen*, Linnu Lu*, Yongjia He, Fazhou Wang, Shuguang Hu. Hydration monitoring and strength prediction of cement-based materials based on the dielectric properties. Construction and Building Materials. 2016,126:179-189. SCI收录


[1]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,水泥石脱水相快速碳化硬化机理及其应用基础研究,项目负责人,2020-202360万元

[2]     国家自然科学基金面上项目,掺合料中活性Al对混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀的影响及其机理,技术负责人,2018-202161万元

[3]     国家重点研发计划项目课题,混凝土制品微结构加速形成机制与损伤控制机理,技术骨干,2017.7-2021.6405 万元

[4]     国家自然科学基金项目: 铝掺杂水化硅酸钙的纳微米结构及其性能研究,项目负责人,2013-201680万元

[5]     2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,NCET-10-0660,项目负责人,2011-201350万元

[6]     国家自然科学基金青年项目:国家基于内部相对湿度调节的钢管高强膨胀混凝土体积变形的控制,项目负责人,2006-200824万元
