姓 名: 刘勋
性 别:男
学 位:博士
2003/09 ~ 2007/06 本科,湖北大学
2007/09 ~ 2010/06 硕士,四川大学
2011/04 ~ 2014/03 博士,日本熊本大学
2014/04 ~ 2017/03 日本熊本大学脉冲功率科学研究所特定事业研究员
2017/03 ~ 2021/09 讲师,武汉理工大学理学院物理系
2021/10 ~ 至今 副教授,武汉理工大学理学院物理系
(2)合作主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,高速撞击下岩石的脱气反应及地球与行星的大气和海洋形成研究(41974099),63.0万(分解经费20.0万元),2020.01-2023.12, 在研。
六、 代表性论文/专著(*为通讯作者)
Yu Hu, Yishi Wang, Gang Yang, Xun Liu*, and Haijun Huang, Shock Hugoniot of an equiatomic high-entropy alloy NbMoTaW up to 143 GPa, J. Appl. Phys., 2023, 134: 195105.
Liangliang Zhou, Xun Liu*, Shaobai Wu, Haijun Huang and Tsutomu Mashimo. Elastic-plastic response of TiB2 under shock compression, AIP Adv., 2022, 12(2): 025311.
Jianian Hu, Xun Liu*, Tsutomu Mashimo, Jian Zhang, Guoqiang Luo, Yi Sun, Haijun Huang, and Lianmeng Zhang, Experimental and atomic observations of phase transformations in shock-compressed single-crystal Fe, Materialia, 2021, 20: 101200.
Xun Liu, Chang Gao, Tsutomu Mashimo, Norimasa Ozaki*, Williams J. Nellis, Gang Yang, Haijun Huang*, Shintaro Morioka, Kohei Miyanishi, Takayoshi, and Ryosuke Kodama, Shock-induced polymorphic transitions of PbF2 up to 1 TPa and their implications for the universal behavior of shocked AX2 compounds, Phys. Rev. B, 2021, 103:094106.
Gang Young, Lili Fan, Bin Zhao, Xing Chen, Xun Liu*, and Haijun Huang*, Equation of State for Fe-9.0 wt% O up to 246 GPa: Implications for Oxygen in the Earth's Outer Core, JGR Solid Earth, 2021, 126(2): e2020JB021056.
Xun Liu, Lili Fan, Gang Yang, Xing Chen, and Haijun Huang*, Hugoniot equation of state of cementite (Fe3C) up to 250 GPa and its geophysical implications, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 2020, 306:106506.
Gang Young, Xun Liu*, Chunwei Leng, and Haijun Huang, Average models for calculating the shock equation of state of alloy and mixture, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2019, 58:066004.
Gang Young, Xun Liu*, Chunwei Leng, Jun Yang, and Haijun Huang, Refractive index of [100] lithium fluoride under shock pressures up to 151 GPa, AIP Adv., 2018, 8:125310
Xun Liu, Tsutomu Mashimo*, Nobuaki Kawai, Tomokazu Sano, and Xianming Zhou, Isotropic phase transition of single-crystal iron (Fe) under shock compression, J. Appl. Phys., 2018, 124: 215101.