



      邮箱:yew@whut.edu.cn; QQ: 343283094


  2010.09 – 2015.07   北京大学,博士

  2006.09 – 2010.06   中国地质大学(武汉),学士


  2017.10 -至今      武汉理工大学,理学院,副教授

  2015.07 – 2017.10   武汉理工大学,理学院,讲师





(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42274123, 冲击压缩下毛钙硅石的状态方程和声速研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 56万元。

(2)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 41602036, 下地幔富铝相的结构和弹性性质研究及其地质意义, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 20万元。



1.   Yuyang Shi, Min Wu, Lei Yue, Kai Wang, Quanjun Li, Ye Wu*, Gonglan Ye*, and Haijun Huang. Pressure-induced metallization and enhanced photoelectric activity in layered tin disulfide. Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024) 094103.

2.   Zhikang Cheng, Bingtian Tu, Ye Wu*, Haijun Huang*. High-pressure and high-temperature synthesis of black phosphorus-graphite anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta 473 (2024): 143510.

3.   Yuhua Luo, Yuyang Shi, Min Wu, Ye Wu*, Kai Wang*, Bingtian Tu, and Haijun Huang. Pressure-induced phase transitions and metallization in layered SnSe. Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 094101.

4.   Xinyu Zhang, Yuyang Shi, Zude Shi, Hang Xia, Mingyu Ma, Yiliu Wang, Kang Huang, Ye Wu*, Yongji Gong, Huilong Fei, Yongmin He, and Gonglan Ye*. High-pressure Synthesis of Single-Crystalline SnS Nanoribbons. Nano Letters 23 (2023): 7449-7455.

5.   Xinze Zhang, Chenhui Li, Feng Xu, Jinqiang Zhang, Chang Gao, Zhikang Cheng, Ye Wu, Xun Liu, Andreas Zerr, and Haijun Huang. Sound Velocity Anisotropy and Single‐crystal Elastic Moduli of MgO to 43 GPa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (2023) B026311.

6.   Zhikang Cheng, Ye Wu*, and Haijun Huang*. Red phosphorus/graphite composite as a high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Solid State Ionics 389 (2023) 116098.

7.   Yuyang Shi, Haipeng Song, Nan Li, Xiang Wu, Kai Wang, Ye Wu*, Gonglan Ye, and Haijun Huang. High-pressure structural stability and bandgap engineering of layered tin disulfide. Applied Physics Letters 121 (2022) 114101.

8.   程志康,张清,刘勋,吴也*,黄海军. 双向活塞圆筒装置19 mm外径样品组装的压强和温度标定. 高压物理学报 36 (2022) 013301.

9.   Ye Wu*, Shengxuan Huang, Haijun Huang, Xiang Wu, and Hanyu Liu*. Structural characteristics and elasticities of coesite and coesite-II at high pressure. New Journal of Physics 22 (2020) 093044.

10. 吴也*, 陈星, 黄海军. 高压下α-石英和柯石英的相变行为. 高压物理学报 35 (2021) 011201.

11.  Ye Wu*, Hanyu Liu*, Haijun Huang, Yingwei Fei, Xiaolei Feng, Simon A. T. Redfern*. Pressure-induced Structural modulations in coesite. Physical Review B 98 (2018) 104106.

12.  Cheng Li, Ye Wu, Bingchen Deng, Yujun Xie, Qiushi Guo, Shaofan Yuan, Xiaolong Chen, Maruf Bhuiyan, Zishan Wu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Hailiang Wang, Judy J. Cha, Michael Snure, Yingwei Fei,* and Fengnian Xia*. Synthesis of Crystalline Black Phosphorus Thin Film on Sapphire. Advanced Materials (2018) 1703748.

13.  Ye Wu*, Xi Han, Haijun Huang. Structural Transformation Pathways of Multiferroic BiFeO3 under High Pressures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 6852-6857.

14.Ye Wu*, Fei Qin, Xiang Wu*, Haijun Huang, Catherine A McCammon, Takashi Yoshino, Shuangmeng Zhai, Yuming Xiao, Vitali B Prakapenka. Spin transition of ferric iron in the calcium-ferrite type aluminous phase. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (2017) B014095.

15.  Ye Wu*, Xiang Wu, Bingtian Tu. Phase relations of the nepheline-kalsilite system: X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 712 (2017) 613-617.

16.  Ye Wu, Jing Yang, Xiang Wu*, Maoshuang Song, Takashi Yoshino, Shuangmeng Zhai, Shan Qin, Haijun Huang, Jung-Fu Lin*. Elasticity of single-crystal NAL phase at high pressure: A potential source of the seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (2016) B013136.

17.  Ye Wu, Xiang Wu*, Jung-Fu Lin*, Catherine A. McCammon, Yuming Xiao, Paul Chow, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Takashi Yoshino, Shuangmeng Zhai, Shan Qin. Spin transition of ferric iron in the NAL phase: implications for the seismic heterogeneities of subducted slabs in the lower mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 434 (2016) 91–100.

